Department of ENL -English as a New Language
Identification and Placement Procedures
Initial Identification and Placement
Newly registered students whose Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ) indicates that a language other than English is spoken at home, are reviewed based on a mandated identification protocol that includes an initial interview in both English and their native language. If it is determined that the student may be an English Language Learner the NYSITELL is administered to determine identification and initial placement. The test is used only once at the time of registration in any school district in New York State. After this, the ELLs will be tested for English language development using the NYSESLAT.
NYS mandated ENL courses are assigned to students based on their English proficiency levels. These levels are determined by each student's NYSESLAT or NYSITELL scores. Proficiency levels dictate ENL Program units of study.
English as a New Language Proficiency Levels Grade K-12
* Entering (Beginner)
* Emerging (Low Intermediate)
* Transitioning (Intermediate)
* Expanding (Advanced)
* Commanding (Proficient)
Monica Pullows-Tetuan
Director of ELL, Bilingual and World Language Programs
105 Fireplace Neck Road
Brookhaven, NY 11719